These are options given to Jammers to customize their Animal Jam Classic experience. To access My Settings, click on the gear icon located in the upper-right corner of the Animal Jam Classic game window.
AJ Code - Use this to apply any of your toy or membership codes to your account.
World - Choose which world you would like to be in.
Nametag - Choose how you would like Nametags to appear in the game; either us Usernames or Animal Names.
Jammer Wall - This will allow your Jammer Wall to be visible to players or not.
Den - This option locks and unlocks your den.
Player Icons in Den - Choose whether to show the icons of players when they are in your den.
Doorbell - You'll be able to hear a doorbell whenever another player enters your den, whether you are in your den or not!
Sound - The ability to turn sound on or off in the game.
Cursor - Changes the way your cursor arrow looks in game.
Buddy Requests
- If Buddy Requests are on, other Jammers will be able to request to be your buddy. You will have the choice of whether you want to add the other Jammer every time.
- If Buddy requests are off, no one can request to be your buddy, and you can't send requests to anyone else.
Game Invites
- If Game Invites are on, you can invite other Jammers to play games with you, and they can invite you to play too!
- If Game Invites are off, no one can invite you to play games, and you can't invite others to play games.
Find Open World - When this is on, you will load into the first available world area. You may end up in a different area than you meant to go!
Predict Chat - This option allows the chat system to predict words you are typing.