Get creative with our awesome feature, Masterpieces! This feature actually lets you draw your very own masterpiece to be displayed in your den and made public for all of Jamaa!
Masterpieces can be created in the Coral Canyon Art Studio or can be done in the comfort of your own den by purchasing the art easel in epic wonders! No matter where you choose to create your Masterpiece, the cost will still be 2 diamonds.
Currently this feature is being tested by Members only. Make sure when you are creating your Masterpiece that you abide by our Animal Jam Rules so it will get approved!
You are able to save your Masterpiece even if you aren't completely done yet! To do so, simply click on the file cabinet button (right next to the recycle button) and click "Save".
To load your Masterpiece, click on the file cabinet button (right next to the recycle button) and click "Load". You will then be prompted to load your Masterpiece to continue drawing!