If you get an "OOPS!" error, please refresh your screen and try again, this means your username does not fit into one of our rules.
There are a few reasons you may see that error
- You may be trying to capitalize a letter other than the first letter of the username. For example Pinkjammer714 would be accepted, however pinkJammer714 would result in an error.
- You may be trying to capitalize multiple letters. PiNkJaMmEr would not be approved
- You may be trying to use special characters that are not approved.
- The username may be taken even if you don't think it is or is searchable. It's been taken in our database for some reason.
- You may have entered a space in the username, or at the end of the username. Pink Jammer714 or (PinkJammer714 ) would not be accepted.
- You may be trying to use the same name, with different letters capitalized. If your current username is Pinkjammer714, you cannot update it to pinkjammer714.